
RPI and SOS in Scheme, Python, and Elixir

Last spring, I played in a 3x3 basketball leage with 14 teams and only 6 regular-season games. The unbalanced schedule made me wonder if we would end up with wonky playoff seeding. I thought it would be fun to calculate the Rating Percentage Index (RPI) a…

Proof of Kaprekar's constant in Scheme, Python, and Elixir

I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful post on Kaprekar's constant, which was new to me. Similar to the post author, I also like to use programming to understand mathematical concepts. I thought it would be a fun exercise to translate the example Ruby code …

Exploratory data analysis in Elixir

I have been tinkering with lots of different programming languages (see here and here) over the last few years. Scheme is the only language so far that I have enjoyed enough to write a decent amount of code. Elixir first caught my eye back in April 2020, …

Programming horizons revisited

In my second post on this blog, I wrote about my interest in learning new programming languages and my thoughts on how to choose the next language to learn. It's been over a year since that post and I thought it would be worthwhile to reflect on what I've…