Reading JSON files as Scheme dataframes

In a previous post, I wrote about reading and writing JSON files in R and Chez Scheme. After updating that post, I was curious about how much code it would take to convert a Scheme object read from a JSON file into a dataframe. It is arguably a rare circu…

Reading and writing JSON files in R and Chez Scheme

I have previously written about how to read and write JSON files in R and Racket. In re-reading that old post, I'm struck by how it shows me tinkering without understanding. Now that I have pivoted from learning Racket to learning Chez Scheme, I'm revisit…

Reading and writing JSON files in R and Racket

In learning about reading CSV files in Racket, I have started to reconsider whether storing small(ish) datasets in CSV files is the best default behavior [1]. My default was set by primarily working in R, where reading and writing CSV files plays a centra…